Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In the Silkie Shed

September 2011 I was given 14 baby slikie chicks, a straight run bunch, which grew nicely through out our sunny fall days in Maine. By the first week in January, my seven hens started to lay small white eggs. Thirty days later, I met my first broodie hen, who became very much focused on sitting on a clutch of eggs. The rest of her hen friends all went broodie through out the rest of our winter months, and each dedicated mother hatched out the cutest little fuzzy chicks you ever laid eyes on. Come spring time, after the cute chicks grew up somewhat, I sold most of them to other friends who wanted to add a few sweet silkies to their own flocks. It's been a rewarding experience to say the least. My next batch of silkie chicks should be hatching around the first part of July 2012.

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