Tuesday, June 26, 2012

First Chicken group

Hennery, red and penny

Hennery's girls

my first roo Jan 2012

Amands and barbra

Barbra was the top hen in the coop
The first group of chicken I had last Fall, this winter, and spring consisted of Hennery a 50% silky rooster and five older hens to keep him company. The hens laid about 3 eggs per day and consisted of three Rhode Island reds, one barred rock, and one americana. When my silkie hens went broodie through winter and spring, I had them sit on 8 of hennery's eggs, and my silkies hatched 5 of his eggs successfully. One of Hennery's pullets was sold this June, and now I have 4 of his offspring left. I sold Hennery, and his girls in April due to lack of coop space due to all my silkie chicks. Hennery went to a nice man in West Bath who had a coop waiting on water front property. Hennery's chicks are 1/4 silkie and 3/4 layer hens. I have two white, one black, and one red and white mixed chicks who have had an excellent growth rate. I miss Hennery and his gang.

January 2012 Doelings

Maxine paint doeling 8 months

Ali Kat looks like her mom Ali

Tutu on the run

Abby at 8 months
Here are some young doelings we had close to home last winter. Among the mostly full blood Boer girls, we have Abby and Abigale (88% Kiko doelings) who you can see pictures of when they were really youngsters still with their mothers last summer (2011) on this same blog. They are out to pasture now over at the farm this summer (2012). Couldn't locate a picture of Abigale, at 8 months for this page.

Meet Dottie/Miss Piggie

Last summer, fall, and winter we had a couple of pigs for temporary residents. Dottie and her litter sister Pinky got along well and were willing models for my camera. As time progressed, Dottie became my favorite piggy, and later come winter time, when we had to part company, it was a very difficult task, to understand, that one day, dottie would be leaving our place. She was a wonderful creature and awesome guest while with us. Here are some photos of Dottie last December 2012.

In the Silkie Shed

September 2011 I was given 14 baby slikie chicks, a straight run bunch, which grew nicely through out our sunny fall days in Maine. By the first week in January, my seven hens started to lay small white eggs. Thirty days later, I met my first broodie hen, who became very much focused on sitting on a clutch of eggs. The rest of her hen friends all went broodie through out the rest of our winter months, and each dedicated mother hatched out the cutest little fuzzy chicks you ever laid eyes on. Come spring time, after the cute chicks grew up somewhat, I sold most of them to other friends who wanted to add a few sweet silkies to their own flocks. It's been a rewarding experience to say the least. My next batch of silkie chicks should be hatching around the first part of July 2012.