In late fall Mr. Greenspot decided to pot up some fruit and nut trees, which will be available to plant in the new 2014 spring season here in mid coast maine. He will offer his selection thru Long Branch School in downtown Bowdoinham. Some of his selection includes hazelnut trees, mulberry trees, and other small fruiting bushes and trees. The Kunekune pig breed are compatible with orchards in that they are non-rooting pigs that east grasses all summer and fall here in our Maine climate. When fruit bearing trees and bushes drop fruit, the pigs would eagerly eat it up and turn it into delectable pork products for any family to enjoy. Ducks are good at cleaning up gardens and orchards, eating many slugs, bugs, and all sorts of fallen fruit and other vegetation.
Here are some of our egg laying duck flock. They are in front of some of my amaranthus plants. They eat amaranthus greens as well as our pigs.
Black and white magpie hen with two drakes |